The receipt page is the last page of the FDD and serves as the prospective franchisee’s acknowledgement of having received the document. Once signed, it provides evidence that the franchisor has fulfilled its obligation of providing the FDD in accordance with the law.

The receipt page is a simple note at the end that the franchisee signs to say, “Yep, I got this book and I’ve read it.” It’s like the franchisee saying, “Okay, I know what I’m getting into.”

Why Does the Receipt Page Matter?

Legal Compliance: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) mandates that you provide the FDD to prospective franchisees at least 14 days before any agreement is signed or money changes hands (the actual timeline works out to about 16 calendar days because you don’t count the day they receive the FDD or they day they sign). The receipt page serves as your legal proof that you’ve complied with this rule.

Ensuring Due Diligence: A signed receipt page is an affirmation from the potential franchisee that they’ve had sufficient time to understand the contents of the FDD. This includes all obligations, costs, and expectations associated with buying and operating the franchise. It underscores that you’ve provided all necessary information for them to make an informed decision.

Protection for Your Business: The receipt page also protects your interests as a franchisor. It guards against claims that you did not provide full disclosure, thereby reducing potential legal risks.

The receipt page might be the last thing you see in the FDD, but it’s a pretty big deal. It helps make sure everyone plays by the rules and that you know what you’re getting into with your franchise. So the next time you’re flipping through an FDD, remember to pay attention to that last little page. It’s your proof that you’ve done your homework and are ready to get into the world of franchising.