Did you know that your fiscal year can affect your franchise sales?
Check out our latest franchise question to find out why: https://drummlaw.com/blog/franchise-question/choosing-a-fiscal-year-end-for-your-franchise-company/
How to Get Out of a Franchise Agreement: Ultimate Guide
They say all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, that plays true to many franchise relationships as well (though if it’s ending, it may not have been all that good, to begin with). Keep…
The franchisee breached their agreement. Now what? The default seems plain enough, so why would I need a lawyer’s help?
So, your franchisee has breached the terms of their franchise agreement. What do you do next? While their breach may be cause for termination, you shouldn’t rush into any conclusions. Otherwise, you…
The Importance of Franchise Record Keeping
Why Do I Need to Keep Records? Keeping records gives you an additional reason to check and make sure that the documents are properly completed and fully executed. If a dispute arises, incomplete…
Mistakes to Avoid as a Franchisor
There is enough advice out there for franchisors to fill many books. But we have a few hints from another perspective. Our corporate department at Drumm Law often gets called in to help franchisor…
Buying an Existing Franchise: Everything You Need to Know
Congratulations! You have leaped into the world of franchising and buying an existing franchise. Here is how a franchise attorney can help you to prepare all the documents and solve legal issues. Do…
Do You Need a Franchise Contract Lawyer to Buy a Franchise?
Yes, you should enter into a contract agreement with a franchise attorney by your side. The particulars of the FDD and Franchise Agreement require someone who can understand the legalese and help you…
Owning Multiple Franchise Explained
You have probably heard the phrase “there is safety in numbers.” And this is true, even if you are talking about numbers of franchises. A clever business person can certainly own more than one…
Commercial Lease Negotiations: Can a Franchise Lawyer Help?
If you want to open a retail franchise, you will likely need to lease some commercial space. And as with anything, you will want to get the best terms for your deal that you can. Hiring a seasoned…
Why Have an Item 19 in Your Franchise Disclosure Document
No one wants to air their dirty laundry in public, but having an accurate Financial Performance Representation in your Franchise Disclosure Documents will help your franchise rather than hurt it. You…